The Society for Advancement of Management (SAM) is pleased to provide the opportunity to showcase students’ management knowledge and writing skills in our inaugural Written Case Competition.
The Written Case Competition:
The written case competition provides competitors and institutions the opportunity to submit a written executive summary on the case materials that highlights the key points of the team’s solution(s) for the case study. All summaries will be judged and scored in advance of the on site event by a panel of judges. Additional rules are as follows:
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: Each team submitting a Written Case Study must do so by March 15, 2024 at 11:59 p.m. via email to [email protected].
Violating any of the following rules will disqualify the team.
Associate Division – Students enrolled in a community college or in their freshman or sophomore years as of December 2023.
Undergraduate Division – Any student who has not yet graduated with a bachelor’s degree, including freshman and sophomores as of December 2023.
Open Division – Any currently enrolled college student, including those in Master’s and Doctoral degree programs.
2. Each team member must register for the entire conference and pay the fees outlined in the conference material.
Because we recognize that emergencies arise, substitution will be permitted if the sam headquarters and case competition director are notified as soon as the substitution is made and the substitute meets all other eligibility requirements.
3. The competitions committee will annually review the teams entered in a division in order for SAM to certify competition and award prizes in that division.
4. Student teams agree that they will not seek outside help from any source after receiving the case. It is not acceptable to ask specific or general questions related to the case of anyone, or to have anyone read or provide feedback on the written work. The presenting team is charged with doing its own work on the case with no assistance from anyone not on the team. It is NOT permissible to contact the case authors.
5. Papers submitted will adhere to the following formatting and rules:
– No fewer than 5 or more than 10 double-spaced pages, not including a cover page, references, tables, figures, or appendices.
– Be submitted in both Word and PDF formats. (This is to ensure the integrity of any supplemental figures, tables, etc.)
– Have a cover page with the College Name, Competitor Names, and individual email addresses listed on the front page.
– Follow standard APA Formatting (excluding the cover) throughout the pages. All information outside of the provided case materials must be cited, any information cited from the case materials does not need to be cited.
– All pages must use a standard 12 pt font, either Times, Calibri or Courier and have standard 1 inch margins.
6. By agreeing to participate in the Written Case Competition, each team is also agreeing to have its work published by SAM and release all rights (intellectual and copyright) to SAM.