Named after Frank B. and Lillian M. Gilbreth, this award is presented for excellence in the field of motion, skill, and fatigue study. The recipient will have outstanding contributions to these related fields and will have greatly influenced their appreciation in the performance of work. As the Gilbreths strove for improved workplace productivity, this award serves to recognize innovations which advance the field of management knowledge related to efficiency and effectiveness in work.
Candidates for this award shall have engaged successful in research or practice of workplace efficiency and effectiveness through ergonomics, engineering psychology, human factors engineering, and motion study, leading to significant contributions and understanding concerning the nature and significance of performance of work, the interaction of the human with the physical work environment, the effects of fatigue and motion trauma as a work factor, and or other problems in the field. Additionally, candidates will have been recognized for significant intellectual leadership in the profession of management either as an educator or practitioner. Finally, the candidate shall have advanced the general understanding and acceptance of the principles and applications for the improvement of work performance and workplace productivity.
To nominate a candidate for the Taylor Key the following information is required to be submitted in the nomination:
A letter of nomination that demonstrates how the nominee has contributed in the study and practice of workplace efficiency and effectiveness.
A letter of nomination that demonstrates how the nominee has contributed in the study and practice of workplace efficiency and effectiveness.
A current vita including any editorial or professional publications.
If you have any questions, please email [email protected] for direction and guidance on completing these requirements.