SAM Advanced Management Journal

Editor-in-Chief Search

SAM Advanced Management Journal is published by the Society for Advancement of Management (SAM). It is one of the longest running journals in the Management field. Currently publishing its 83rd volume, SAM Advanced Management Journal is a quarterly double-blind peer-reviewed publication that features articles by academics and business professionals on management and allied areas. The journal publishes theoretical, applied and pedagogical manuscripts, all peer-reviewed. Occasionally, the journal publishes invited articles and interviews, with the clear communication that these are not peer-reviewed.

The Editor reports to the SAM Board President and is responsible for managing and growing the journal, for maintaining the overall quality of the intellectual content of the journal, and for overseeing the review process to ensure it is thorough, fair, and timely. The Editor is responsible for upholding the mission and scope of the journal and for selecting papers that provide new, original, and important contributions to knowledge and practice. The Editor selects associate editor, editorial board members, reviewers, and any other editorial positions required in developing content for the journal. The Editor serves as chair of the editorial board and oversees its work. The Editor may write editorials and solicit manuscripts on special issues and may assign guest editors for these special issues. The Editor seeks opportunities to hold an annual editorial board meeting and prepares an annual report for the SAM Board of Directors.

The Editor oversees the mission and scope of the journal in consultation with the SAM Board of Directors and the Editorial Board.

The Editor will periodically review the Editorial mission and scope of the journal, consult with the editorial board members, and make recommendations to the SAM Board of Directors and the Editorial Board to revise or adapt the mission and scope when deemed appropriate.

The Editor insures that the papers published are consistent with the editorial mission.

The Editor is responsible for making the decision to publish any thematic issues of the journal, collaborating with conferences for special issues, and for recruiting the papers to be published. The Editor may select a guest editor(s) for a thematic or special issue if desired.

The Editor may recommend to the publisher that a special issue be published in addition to or in lieu of the regular issues of the journal. The editorial board will have the responsibility for approving or rejecting such a proposal.

The Editor is responsible for managing the editorial review process.

The Editor selects associate editor (if an associate editor is needed for the editorial process), the editorial board members, ad-hoc reviewers, and any other special editors such as book review editor, case study editor, practitioner perspective editor, guest editor, etc.

The Editor will strictly follow the double-blind peer-review system to conduct the manuscript review process.

The Editor will assign manuscripts to reviewers who have the appropriate knowledge and skill to evaluate them, will monitor the quality of the reviews prepared, and will replace reviewers whose reviews are inadequate or untimely.

The Editor will be the final arbiter regarding the acceptance of papers when reviewers differ in their evaluations.

The Editor will insure that the review process is completed in a timely way and that authors receive constructive feedback on their manuscripts.

The Editor provides the manuscripts accepted for each issue to the publisher and printer.

The Editor forwards the manuscripts for each issue to the printer, and work closely with the publisher/printer on design, copy-editing, and formatting.

The Editor insures that the manuscripts are complete, including illustrations, references, and contact information for the authors.

The Editor submits the manuscripts for each issue on time according to the schedule agreed upon with the SAM Board and the publisher.

The Editor will insure that all issues will be available in both print and digital versions, and work with the SAM Board of Directors on pricing policies for print and digital usage.

The Editor will see that the journal follows customary ethical policies for scholarly publishing.

The Editor will identify, investigate, and address any ethical breaches of conduct by authors and reviewers.

The Editor will see that authors are treated with fairness, courtesy, objectivity, and honesty.

The Editor must be prepared to deal with errors and allegations of misbehavior.

The Editor will register the journal with the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) and other organizations that monitor publication ethics.

The Editor will oversee marketing and communications to promote the journal.

The Editor will seek to speak at conferences and other events about the purpose and values of the journal, inviting potential contributors to consider submitting papers to the journal.

The Editor will identify indexes and electronic databases in which the journal should be included.

The Editor will work with SAM Board members to develop marketing materials, website content, and promotional leaflets and brochure of the journal for branding purposes.

The Editor will help the publisher promote the journal by identifying places, events, and individuals to whom promotional material should be sent.

The Editor will write editorial articles for the journal.

The Editor will write a brief editorial introduction to each issue with the theme and the summary of the articles included in that issue.

The Editor will report to the SAM Board of Directors on journal objectives, performance, usage, ranking, and other appropriate information about the journal.

The Editor will prepare goals and objectives at the beginning of the year for the journal.

The Editor will submit an annual report according to an agreed upon schedule.

The Editor will report opportunities about which the Board should know to help improve the journal.

The Editor will report any significant problems that might affect the quality or reputation of the journal.

The Editor has the final decision-making responsibility for the acceptance or rejection of all manuscripts submitted to the journal.  The SAM Board of Directors will not interfere in the review and acceptance process of manuscripts.

To apply for this position please email with your Resume/CV and contact details.

This position offers a stipend for Editorial related duties.