This is a special invitation to join an international organization devoted to enhancing management both as a profession and as a skill.

The mission of SAM is to provide an opportunity for the members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance, and leadership ability.

SAM was founded in 1912 by the colleagues and disciples of Frederick Taylor, the “Father of Scientific Management.” It is a non-profit organization run and built by hundreds of volunteers. SAM is an organization that focuses on general management skills. We believe that every individual interested in management should belong to SAM in addition to any other association in his/her area of specialization.

Members come from a variety of disciplines–production, finance, marketing, accounting, research and development, entrepreneurship–but share a common bond of interest in becoming stronger managers. SAM’s key organizational strength is its diversity of membership–including academicians, practitioners, and students. SAM builds bridges among these three groups not only to better share management expertise, but also to develop and promote new management ideas.

SAM abounds with opportunities for professional development. You will meet management and academic leaders from around the world; share your thoughts with your peers through presentations, publications, and interactive sessions at the local and national level; help students and others develop management expertise; and define and guide management thinking into the future.

You can be proud of belonging to an organization that has many student chapters throughout the U.S.A. Student members are given the opportunity to practice management in a risk-free environment. In addition to their service as chapter officers, three positions on the international board of directors are reserved for students. The annual conference is also the site of our annual student case competition, where chapters send teams to compete by presenting their recommended solution to a selected case study before judges.

Benefits Often Cited by Members

  • Award winning publications
  • Opportunity to discuss business problems with other members
  • Opportunity to make valuable contacts
  • Opportunity to attend annual conference
  • Self-development
  • Opportunity to participate in chapter management
  • Opportunity to help student members and other associates
  • World’s oldest professional management society

Other Attributes of SAM

  • Members from all over the world
  • Campus division with thousands of student members and many chapters at U.S. colleges and universities
  • A “think tank” of outstanding management experience among its members
  • An inexpensive self-development tool
  • Non-profit organizations; all international officers and board members are volunteers
  • Membership is not restricted to business managers.  Entrepreneurs and professionals from all fields can benefit from the information and development of general management skills.
  • Provides a publication written for busy managers SAM Advanced Management Journal
  • Holds an annual international management conference addressing current management issues
  • Has an awards program that recognizes management excellence.  Past award recipient include many prominent business, academic and government leaders.

To join, you can mail or fax the membership application form with your payment as specified on the application or charge it to your VISA, MasterCard or DISCOVER.