The purposes of this Society, as stated in its charter, are:
Through research, discussion, publication, and other appropriate means to conduct and promote scientific study of the principles governing organized effort in industrial and economic life, including both labor and management; and to impart to the public information concerning said principles and their various applications for the general betterment of society, particularly by, but not limited to, elimination of unnecessary effort and unduly burdensome toil; and to receive, invest, reinvest and administer funds or other property exclusively for the above described scientific, educational and charitable purposes.
The mission of any organization that serves the public is the task of serving it well with values that can satisfy the legitimate desires of the group served. This mission must be accomplished at a cost that will make possible a competitive profit; a healthy cash flow within business organizations is a requisite for a growth economy. The Society sees no conflict between the service objective and the profit objective of the business organization. It believes that these are complementary concepts under any economic or social philosophy, whether it is based on state capitalism, private capitalism, or some combination of them. It believes that this is true so long as business operations conform with public policy, and are in consonance with accepted business ethics in the particular economy. It believes further that under any economic philosophy, a profit is a reward of capital for a successful acceptance of business risk in the rendering of an economic service. Since values are satisfactions of needs, both economic and non-economic organizations should operate profitably, in the sense of producing surplus values.
Leadership is a major factor in the accomplishment of its mission by any organization. Management is the work of executive leadership. The success of a modern industrial society and, therefore, the development or maintenance of high living standards for its citizens, depends on a continuous improvement in the quality and managerial effectiveness of all business and governmental executives.
The Society for Advancement of Management is an organization whose activities contribute broadly to professional improvement of the field of Management. An important activity is adult education. SAM is in a unique position to contribute effectively to executive development, particularly at the community level. The Society asserts, therefore, that it has the following mission.
To provide an opportunity for the members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance, and leadership ability.
The Society for Advancement of Management strives to be a leading edge management organization for facilitating learning, personal and professional development, and a network necessary to compete in today’s global business environment. Our primary customers are Managers who wish to be informed on the practice of good management, Academicians interested in the applied practice of management through education, research, and training, and Students who aspire to management careers. By promoting and facilitating interaction among these three groups, we believe the art and science of management practice can be advanced to new levels of quality and effectiveness.
The members of this Society shall consist of the members in good standing as of December 31, 1935, of the Taylor Society of Industrial Engineers (a membership corporation of the District of Columbia), and of such additional members as shall thereafter be admitted in the matter prescribed in the bylaws.
The affairs of the Society, including the establishment and implementation of policy, shall be the responsibility and duty of the Board of Directors.
No part of the net earnings of the Society shall inure to the benefit of any member or individual; and no member, officer or employee of the Society shall be entitled to receive any income or profit therefrom, except reasonable compensation for services actually rendered in affecting one or more of the purposes of the Society. The Society shall not carry on propaganda, or otherwise attempt to influence legislation.
This Constitution may be amended by vote of two-thirds of the Board of Directors voting in person or by mail at any regular or special meeting of that Board, provided the proposed amendment shall have been considered at a previous meeting of the Board, and shall have been published in a circular developed specifically for that purpose or any general publication of the Society sent to all members at least thirty days prior to the meeting of the Board at which the final vote on the amendment is taken.