Nomination Guidelines

Previously named the Materials Handling Award, this honor recognizes noteworthy achievement in the field of business logistics with a focus on materials management and technology. Designed to stimulate interest in management educators and practitioners in the continuing developments and applications concerning the science and practice of logistics management, this award also recognizes the contributions of those who have promoted or substantially practiced the development of logistics management through their research, writings, or application of methods.

Candidates shall have engaged in research on the practice of business logistics with a focus on materials management resulting in significant value to an organization and/or the discipline of management. Additionally, the candidate shall have greatly advanced the general understanding and acceptance of the principles and applications for the improvement of logistics management.

To nominate a candidate for the Logistics Management Award the following information is required to be submitted in the nomination:

A letter of nomination highlighting how the nominee has demonstrated extraordinary organizational and team leadership in the field of logistics management.

A statement from two or more individuals that the nominee has provided coaching, mentoring, or another method of support in achieving a goal in the logistics field.

A list of any editorial or professional publications and/or presentations that demonstrate leadership and expertise in Logistics Management.

If you have any questions please e-mail [email protected] for direction and guidance on completing these requirements.