2018 International Business Conference
March 22 – March 24, 2018
Research and Presentation Tracks
For the 2018 Conference we will be using an automated manuscript submission and review system called EasyChair. Papers sent via email will not be reviewed. To submit your paper or abstract, please click on the following link and follow the easy steps to register and submit your paper or abstract: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sam2018
The submission deadline is December 15, 2017.
With the exception of students, presenters are expected to serve as discussants and/or session chairs of other sessions.
Scholarly Research
Presentations in this track will focus on one of the following three areas of scholarship:
Basic or discovery scholarship that generates and communicates new knowledge and understanding and/or development of new methods. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the theory, knowledge, and/or practice of business.
Applied or Integration/application scholarship that synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the practice of business.
Teaching and learning scholarship that develops and advances new understandings, insights, and teaching content and methods that impact learning behavior. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the teaching of business (AACSB 2013 Accreditation Standards).
Graduate Masters/Doctoral Student Research
This track is limited to research presentations of graduate student work. Joint Faculty and Student research should be directed to the Faculty/Student Research track.
Research in this track will focus on the same scholarship areas as in the Scholarly Research track.
Faculty/Student Research
This track is limited to research presentations that are joint Faculty and Student research. However, the majority or preferably all the presentation will be done by the student.
Research in this track will focus on the same scholarship areas as in the Scholarly Research track.
Undergraduate Student Research
This track is limited to research presentations of undergraduate student work. Joint Faculty and Student research should be directed to the Faculty/Student Research track.
Research in this track will focus on the same scholarship areas as in the Scholarly Research track.
Presentation format: Students will have 5 minutes to share their research followed by a two-minute question/answer session. Timing will be strictly enforced.
Practitioner Research and Presentations
Two options are available for practitioners: Presentations that provide a real world perspective on management issues within organizations and will be targeted at providing members of SAM a view of these management issues from the practitioner perspective. The second option is the presentation of case studies that focus on contemporary, real world management issue.
All manuscripts must follow the APA Style.
Competitive papers or abstracts will be double-blind reviewed. Paper length should not exceed 20 typewritten, double-spaced pages. Abstracts should include title, authors, objective, outline, methodology, and importance. Author identification, including complete mailing address, e-mail, and telephone number, should appear only on the cover page. Authors should not identify themselves elsewhere in the paper. Please state on the front page: “Paper for the 2018 Conference.” A non-refundable conference registration fee is due and payable within two weeks after notification of acceptance. Authors who have abstracts accepted are required to submit their paper(s) by February 15, 2018. All final copy ready papers are due by March 1, 2018.
Please note that SAM editorial team will focus on adherence to APA style and other technical matters. It is the responsibility of the author(s) to ensure their paper is free of spelling and grammar errors and that all supporting materials such as graphs, charts, etc. are accurate.
For workshops, contact the Conference Chair at [email protected]. When contacting the conference chair, please provide the title of your proposed workshop and a brief description.
In order for a paper to be included in the conference schedule and proceedings, at least one author must be registered for the conference. By submitting a final copy of their paper, authors are confirming their attendance at the conference.
The final version of the papers selected and presented must be sent by May 1, 2018, to be published in the 2018 SAM Conference Proceedings and be considered for publication in SAM Advanced Management Journal. This allows authors time to review comments and to incorporate changes needed based on conference feedback.
Presentation guidelines:
SAM will provide the display device – presenters must provide their own computer that is compatible with the SAM provided display device (VGA, USB, HDMI).
Presenters are responsible for providing handouts (handouts not required), SAM will not provide copying services.