The Society for Advancement of management has been encouraging and developing excellence between business organizations and institutions of higher learning for over 100 years! Today, we are the oldest professional management society in the world. The recognition, networking, development and achievement opportunities that affiliation with SAM brings to a member is unparalleled by another other organization.

Frequently Asked Questions

The entire chartering process usually takes one to three months to complete. Your prospective chapter members work directly with SAM Headquarters to complete the process according to your schedule. To officially become a chapter of the Society for Advancement of Management, and gain full rights and privileges for your group, you must complete all phases of the process.

We currently issue charters for both Professional and Collegiate Chapters. Professional Chapters are for members of the management community that are not Faculty, Staff or Students of a College or University. Collegiate Chapters are those exclusively for Students and Faculty members of a College or University. Collegiate Chapters also are required to have a Chapter Advisor.

Collegiate Chapter Frequently Asked Questions

Colleges and Universities typically have a wide variety of policies relating to the establishment of Faulty & Staff members affiliating with student organizations. We work individually with prospective colleges to determine the selection process and then collaborate on solutions for Advisor appointments. This decision is one of the most important steps in the Collegiate Chapter chartering process as it determines the strength and long term success of the chapter.

A College or University with more than one campus can petition for an additional charter for a new campus provided the college and chapters can provide a plan for chapter continuity and support. Many institutions find it financially easier to have multiple campuses operate under a single umbrella charter.

Colleges and Universities with active business or management-related programs are eligible to have a Collegiate Chapter. Only institutions with accredited degree programs from a recognized regional or national accreditation body may receive a charter.

Two-Year Colleges (often called Community or State Colleges) are welcome to submit a charter request provided they have a business-related degree program.

Chapter Startup Help

Need help starting your own chapter? We have dedicated chapter advisors and staff to help you navigate the startup process and set your prospective chapter up for success.

Sara Kiser

Alabama State University

Hank Johnson

New England Institute of Technology

Bob Garner

Florida State University

Patrick Endicott

SAM Headquarters