The business world, like everyone, is still struggling with the challenges and obstacles created by three years of life in a pandemic. Managers and business scholars alike have been forced to adapt both practically and theoretically to the new post-pandemic world. Whether it is new restrictions in conducting or discussing business, the still present disruptions to supply chains, new definitions and configurations of where work takes place, or even a lack of personnel on temporary or permanent bases, the business world itself and those who study business and management practices and theories have faced new questions including those around sustainability.
Now is also a time for reimagining, reshaping, and advocating for new practices and theories in leadership, innovation, and sustainability. Managerial practitioners and theorists have an amazing opportunity to reframe what success looks like in all kinds of organizations, in all sectors, and in all countries. Many experts are recognizing that the post-pandemic landscape in business will not only mean some changes become permanent but that it is important to realize additional changes are most likely on the horizon. Adaptability to change is more important than ever.
As organizations adapt and respond to technological, demographic, and market changes, leaders and managers must also be ready to reimagine and reinvent themselves to embrace this change and take advantage of new opportunities. Business leadership and management must unleash their imagination and innovation to create sustainable pathways to the future.
Whatever shape the reimagined world of business takes, leadership and management as we know it has been affected in large and lasting ways. Stakeholder and market expectations and needs are uncertain, complex, and unfolding. Likewise, business scholarship will need to reflect new dynamics and upended realities with creative thinking, analysis, and application of management theory to the new landscape.
With great change, however, comes great opportunity! The Society for the Advancement of Management is pleased to reflect this opportunity in the theme for the 78th Anniversary Business Conference: Advancing Management: Reimagining Leadership, Innovation, & Sustainability. In 2023, our Annual Conference will focus on exploring and contributing these important concepts and how they apply to management practice and education. Academic, practitioner, and student researchers are invited to present their insights at SAM’s 2023 Conference. Join us as we collaborate and advance opportunities to reimagine the world of management and build even better futures.