SAM IBC 2022

Engage in a diverse community of management professionals with presentations and workshops in:

Organizational Studies Entrepreneurship Innovation Management Information Systems Management Operations Management Functional Areas of Business Sector Specific Management Social Issues Managment

As the world of business still struggles through the COVID-19 pandemic, business and management theories and practices are being reimagined and reconfigured to address the pandemic’s seismic footprint on work. During the last couple of years many businesses were challenged by the COVID-19 related restrictions, supply chains have been disrupted, hospitality and retail interface with customers were transfixed, both K-12 and higher education sectors changed immensely and adopted virtual and hybrid modes of delivery at a speed previously unthinkable, and many companies revisited distance working options and made it available to their employees.
At such unchartered and evolving times, it is among the callings of management theory and practice to lead, shape, and advocate innovation, efficiency, and performance as drivers of success in all forms and sizes of organizations, in all sectors, and in all countries.  Many experts predict the changes experienced in these pandemic years will transform the way we live and work permanently. Moreover, there is conjecture that such changes will both recur and do so ever more rapidly going forward.
As organizations try to adapt and respond to technological, demographic, and market transformations, managers, employees, and stakeholders increasingly are called upon to envision “new normal” that find opportunity in such ever-faster and ever-larger disruptions. Managers in particular will be relied on to unleash and corral the agility, imagination, ambidexterity, inclusivity, and sustainability that conceiving and implementing such pathways entails.  
Whatever shape the new normal takes, business as usual has been affected in lasting ways. Stakeholder and market expectations and needs are uncertain, novel, complex, and unfolding. Reflecting this the creation, implementation, analysis, and application of management thinking to these contemporary upended realities remain territory important for management scholars and practitioners to navigate and chart.
Best management practice recognizes and champions that with change and challenge come opportunity. SAM’s 77th Anniversary International Business Conference theme –– Advancing Management in the Rapidly Changing World – is dedicated to exploring and contributing findings and recommendations to this central and current aspect of management practice and education. Academic, practitioner, and student researchers are invited to present business insights at this 2022 Conference, and so collaborate in advancing the management opportunity of shaping new normal that build even better futures.


Keynote Presentations

Check Back Soon For More Information As Proposals Are Accepted


Divorce Steals Happiness:
A Macro Analysis on The Mediating Effects of Divorce on Income Level and Happiness

Exploring the Attitudes of Employees Towards Employer Inclusivity

Exploring the Many Dimensions of Leadership

Successful Pathways for African American Female Leaders Navigating Barriers in Corporate America

Projected Industry Needs for Information Systems and Business Analytics Personnel

Status and Trends in Information Systems Graduate Education

Sustainability Leadership: Challenges and a Path Forward

Consumer Brand Engagement, Self-Brand Connection, and Brand Usage Intent in a Global Environment

Dependency That Disrupts:
A Study Of The Antecedents Of Phantom Vibrations

The Realities of U.S. Port Environmental Sustainability Initiatives

Mentoring Success And Specific Gender Combinations:
What Works Best For The Career Development Of Men And Women?

Optimal Control Models Of A Biological Invader Using Gaussian Kernels

Why Leaders Must Recognize and Address the Toxic Hotspots, Idea Black Holes and Supernova Nebulae in their Organizations!

E-Commerce Retailing:
The Relationship between Customer Perceptions of Service Quality and Satisfaction

Export Barriers For Small And Medium-Sized Enterprises In Nigeria: An Exploratory Study

Practicing Kaizen:
Continuous Improvement Over Time

Infusing AI into the Online Classroom:
A Student Perspective on Using Teacherbots

The Estrangement:
Voted Off The Island

Organizing Mental Wellness Resources Offered To Employees

The Impacts of Political Risk on the Performances of Cross-border Acquisitions

Sub-Saharan Africa:
Attaining Organizational Performance via Employee Engagement

Servant Leadership:
The adjuvant role of Employee Engagement and Ethical Environment

Operationalizing Organizational Justice:
Results of a Principal Component Analysis

Assessing Some Important Factors for BDA Project Success

Struggling With Work-Life Balance In The World Of COVID: The Perspectives Of Professional Women

Uplifting Equity In A Data Analytics Course By Removing The Textbook And Software Price Barrier

Neuro-Based Psychoeconomic Feedback

The Great Resignation: Determinants and Effects

Organizational Leaders Create a Culture of Collaboration

Managing Creative Processes in a Sea of Routine Work:
Insights into Teaching Creativity to Students and Working Professionals

R&D and Bargaining Power:
Evidence From China

Women’s Economic Empowerment in Guinea: Barriers and Opportunities

The Age of the Employee

Transformation of Workplace Operations in a Post-Pandemic World

Empowering Supervisors:
The Moderation of Supervisory Justice in the Relationship Between Organizational Justice and Work Outcomes


Engaging Entrepreneurial Students in Learning Marketable Skills

Creating Customer Value Through Innovation and Quality in Project Management

Covid-Proof Industry Internship:
Bring It Inside the Classroom

Engaging Entrepreneurial Students in Learning Marketable Skills

Managing Training For Healthcare Professionals And First Responders To Combat Human Trafficking

COVID-19 Pandemic Impacts and Lessons Learned:
Implications for Future Academic Planning

Cybersecurity Risks on Shifting from Onsite to Remote Work

Leveraging the COVID-19 Pandemic to Create a Resilience Toolkit for Healthcare Leaders

Role Congruity Theory and the Glass Ceiling:
How Does Gender affect The Emotional Labor of Leaders in the Tourism and Hospitality Industry

Are We There Yet:
Two Years and Counting

Developing an EXCEL/Analytics "Spine" in the BBA Curriculum

Strategic Enrollment Management:
Institutional, System, State, and National Perspectives

Leading Higher Education Institutions:
The Complexities of an Ever-Changing Environment

Launching and Managing an eSports Program in Higher Education

Females In The Construction Industry

TED and Television:
Use in the classroom

Behavioral Finance and Its Implications on Wealth Management

Quarantined! Isolated But Not Insulated From Pandemic Era Civil Unrest

Soccer in the United States:
What is the Future?

Check Back Soon For More Information As Proposals Are Accepted


SAM IBC 2022

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