Presentations in this submission type will focus on one of the following three areas of scholarship:
Basic or discovery scholarship that generates and communicates new knowledge and understanding and/or development of new methods. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the theory, knowledge, and/or practice of business.
Applied or integration/application scholarship that synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the practice of business.
Teaching and learning scholarship that develops and advances new understandings, insights, and teaching content and methods that impact learning behavior. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the teaching of business (adopted from the AACSB 2013 Accreditation Standards).
This submission type is for research presentations of student work both graduate and undergraduate that focus on one of the following three areas of scholarship:
Basic or discovery scholarship that generates and communicates new knowledge and understanding and/or development of new methods. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the theory, knowledge, and/or practice of business.
Applied or Integration/application scholarship that synthesizes new understandings or interpretations of knowledge or technology; develops new technologies, processes, tools, or uses; and/or refines, develops, or advances new methods based on existing knowledge. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the practice of business.
Teaching and learning scholarship that develops and advances new understandings, insights, and teaching content and methods that impact learning behavior. Intellectual contributions in this category are normally intended to impact the teaching of business (in accordance with the AACSB 2020 Accreditation Standards).
* Joint Faculty and Student research should be directed to the Faculty/Student Research track.
This submission type is for presentations that are the joint product of Faculty and Student research. The majority or all of the presentation will be done by the student. Research in this track will focus on the same scholarship areas as in the Scholarly Research track.
Two options are available for practitioners. The first option in this submission type is for presentations that provide a real-world perspective on management issues within organizations; these presentations seek to provide members of SAM a view of these management issues from the practitioner perspective. The second option in this submission type is for the presentation of original case studies that focus on contemporary, real-world management issues and provide recommendations for management practice and/or education.
This submission type is for those who would like to present a workshop in either panel or presentation format. These sessions will relate to the Conference theme, and enhance positive Conference impact and meaningful take-aways for Conference attendees. When possible, workshops and panels are provided exclusive programming time separate from other presentations and are encouraged to envision participation from various disciplines and organizations.
Submissions are limited to a maximum of three per individual author/presenter. At least one of the authors/presenters in a jointly-authored submission must attend and present at the Conference the work submitted. Papers and Abstracts are reviewed as they are submitted on the conference management system EasyChair, and decisions will be posted on EasyChair as well.
Only full papers or abstracts submitted by JANUARY 31, 2023 will be published in the Conference Proceedings. However, as space allows the conference programming committee may, at their own discretion, accept papers and presentations after this date.
In-Person Presentations
For our research presenters, submissions will be curated into track presentations that will feature up to three presentations led by a session chair. Presentations are twenty (20) minutes long with five (5) minutes of questions, answers, and moderated discussion. Full papers presented will receive written feedback from an assigned discussant.
Virtual Presentations
For our research presenters who are engaging with our conference virtually, they will have access to our virtual conference platform tools including an individual designated presentation session with your pre-recorded session, private question and answer features that are accessible to attendees throughout the conference, and a session chat space for communal discussion.