The SAM Advanced Management Journal is currently accepting submissions for a Special Edition pertaining to the COVID-19 Pandemic. For more your convenience links to submit your paper and our Guidelines for Authors are directly below. Please continue reading for more information about this special edition of the SAM Advanced Management Journal.
Special Issue Editors
Dr. Avinandan Mukherjee, Marshall University, USA
Dr. Nancy Lankton, Marshall University, USA
The World Health Organization declared COVID-19 a pandemic on March 11, 2020 when the disease had spread to 114 countries, infected more than 118,000 people, and killed almost 4,300. Three weeks into April, over 2.6 million people from over 180 countries worldwide have been infected with the virus and over 185,000 people have died. There are over 850,000 cases in the US and over 40,000 deaths. COVID-19, also known as coronavirus, is a respiratory illness that spreads rapidly through contact with other people who have the virus. Many people carry the virus with very few or even no symptoms. Older people with certain underlying conditions are most at risk for needing acute medical care and not surviving the complications. Coronavirus has changed the world and the country in a matter of weeks.
Amidst the loss of life and the tremendous pressure put on health systems caring for the sick and vulnerable, organizations of all kinds have been facing significant challenges. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in its initial response to the pandemic, began promoting the practices of social distancing and good hygiene, and staying home when possible. Based on the rapid spread of the virus and data collected from other countries, governors began issuing stay-at-home orders to limit travel and social gatherings to essential personnel only. Schools closed, travel stopped, businesses shut down, and many people began working from home and bring laid off altogether. Hospitals became overcrowded as people with symptoms came in for testing and care. The federal and state governments increased production of protective equipment and ventilators via public-private partnerships, and shipped the supplies to hospitals in need. The stock market has seen unpredictability, with large drops triggering market-wide circuit breakers four times in March. The government campaign of “15 Days to Slow the Spread” was extended to “30 Days to Slow the Spread” as the US and other countries prepared for more infections and loss of life.
Now as the US has experienced more incidence and deaths of the virus than any other country, it is beginning to phase back to what many call a “New Normal.” Based on up-to-date data and readiness, the CDC and White House issued a phased approach for opening up America that mitigates risk of resurgence and protects the most vulnerable. Businesses and employers of all types will need to adhere to new federal and state guidelines. Managers are being asked to follow on-the-spot incident response and recovery plans and to innovate and develop flexible policies that can sustain and support organizations throughout the pandemic. Unforeseen issues will continue to arise and reverberate through communities, organizations, industries, and businesses of all types. Already unprecedented activities such as insurance companies rewarding customers with monies saved from lower travel, manufacturing companies rapidly changing production lines to create needed health equipment, supply chains being interrupted at the global level, taxing authorities extending deadlines for the first time ever, and technology companies creating drones that can measure workers’ temperatures, have taken place and will continue to emerge as the crisis endures. This Call for Papers solicits manuscripts describing and analyzing the intersection of management, COVID-19, and the workplace to inform academics and practitioners, so they can emerge with new and effective approaches to advance management during crisis situations.
Although manuscripts on any topic related to management amid the COVID-19 virus are welcome, papers on the following topics are highly encouraged.
Quantitative and qualitative studies, including management and strategy models, experiments, correlational studies, causal studies, comparative studies, descriptive studies, literature reviews, meta-analysis, case studies, viewpoint articles, pedagogical innovations, and book reviews are all welcome. Papers can adopt a historical, current or future perspective.
Manuscripts should be submitted no later than August 1, 2020. The special issue is expected to be published by December 2020. All manuscripts will be subjected to double-blind peer review and should follow the SAM Advanced Management Journal General Guidelines for Authors.
Dr. Avinandan Mukherjee is Dean of the Brad D. Smith Schools of Business at the AACSB-accredited Lewis College of Business at Marshall University. He has published more than 100 scholarly articles in leading journals such as Journal of Retailing, Psychology and Marketing, and European Journal of Marketing. Dr. Mukherjee is the current President of the Society for Advancement of Management and he is the Founding Editor-in-Chief of the International Journal of Pharmaceutical and Healthcare Marketing, a leading peer-reviewed scholarly academic journal.
Dr. Nancy Lankton is Associate Dean of Accreditation and Strategic Initiatives at the Brad D. Smith Schools of Business at the Lewis College of Business at Marshall University. She is a professor in Accounting and has published in high-quality journals including Information Systems Research, Contemporary Accounting Research, and the Journal of Strategic Information Systems. She is an Associate Editor at the Journal of the Association for Information Systems and serves on the Board of the West Virginia Society for CPAs.