Greetings to our Members and the Global Management Community,
Welcome to the 2022-2023 Academic Year and to the eve of the 110th Anniversary of the Society for Advancement of Management (SAM)! Yes, amazingly SAM was founded on November 7, 1912, in New York City by colleagues of Frederick W. Taylor, the Father of Scientific Modern Management. So, on November 7, 2022, we will celebrate the 110th Anniversary of the oldest continuously active professional management organization in the world! We will be spending much of this year preparing to celebrate SAM’s 110th Anniversary and its rich history, and we’ll continue to elevate SAM as we build a very bright future for this prestigious organization!
As President of SAM for 2021-2023, it is such an honor and privilege to thank each of you for your numerous contributions to SAM, and to recognize the many, many leaders who have built such a strong foundation and guided SAM successfully through the past 109 years. We are truly “standing on the shoulders of giants” (Newton, 1675) as we work together to build on the past accomplishments and lead SAM into a successful future. SAM’s first president was Ordway Tead, author of “The Art of Leadership,” and he was followed by many notable management scholars and leaders. Over the past century, other leaders, speakers, members, and SAM award-winners have included prominent management figures such as W. Edwards Deming, Peter F. Drucker, CEOs of most of the Fortune 500 companies, and Presidents Herbert C. Hoover and Ronald Reagan, along with numerous other esteemed leaders and scholars. Please take a moment to click through our website to learn more about our historic organization.
The mission of SAM is “To provide an opportunity for the members to increase management skills and expertise through participation in programs and services designed to improve the professional quality of their knowledge, performance, and leadership ability.” SAM is led by a highly dedicated International Board of Directors who strive to serve the membership as we navigate the continually changing worlds of business management and management education.
SAM is focused on serving the following three key stakeholder groups:
1) Faculty, as they focus on research, presentations, and publications through participation in the first-choice SAM Annual Conference, the SAM Advanced Management Journal, and the SAM network of leaders, scholars, practitioners, and faculty mentors who focus on the professional development of students.
2) Students, as they participate in chapters and competition that provide opportunities to be involved in case analysis and other key business competencies, along with many extremely valuable skills such as teamwork, leadership, communication skills, opportunities for research, presentations, publications, and engagement in a network of leading students, faculty, and practitioners from across the country and around the globe who will serve as a professional support and lifelong learning network throughout their educational and professional careers.
3) Practitioners, as they engage with faculty, students, and other practitioners to learn about cutting-edge business research, emerging practices, and innovative ideas, along with meeting many of the best business students for internships and job recruitment in the country and around the world.
As stated by President Avi Mukherjee in his previous presidential message, “These three groups that SAM caters to are not mutually exclusive, but rather form a continuum where student members can continue their lifelong association with SAM as practitioners or professors in progressive stages of their career. Dr. Lilian Gilbreth, co-founder of SAM and widely considered as the first lady of management, famously reminded the student chapters: ‘We need the challenge of your questions, the inspiration of your enthusiasm, the assurance that you plan to be lifelong members of SAM – willing to help, glad to be of use, ready to welcome the new student members, as you transition ‘up the line’. We look to your leadership in the years to come.’
The 78th Annual International Management Conference in 2022 will be in Nashville, Tennessee, virtually from March 13-15 and in-person March 16-18, 2023. We are eager to welcome all of you — our student members, faculty members, and our members from the practitioner ranks — as we all come together to share the best from our research and practice, along with engaging in our many exciting student competitions! Please see our Conference website for the Call for Proposals and Conference registration to submit a proposal, sign up for student competition, and register for the conference today!
We look so forward to seeing you in Nashville and to your continued involvement in SAM as we celebrate the past and look forward to the future during this historic year!
Susan A. Elkins Ed.D.
2021-2023 President, Society for Advancement of Management
Chancellor, Palmetto College, University of South Carolina